Monday, August 15, 2011

A Guy's Perspective

This is for the girls out there.

I've talked with several girls about clothing - and how it affects a guy's mind. There are two options: a girl understands how what they wear affects guys, or they don't understand. Sounds obvious right? Not really. Because if a girl understands how what they wear affects guys, then they either do one of two things: keep wearing the same type of clothes in order to have guys look at them, or change the type of clothes they wear so that guys don't look at them. Unless a girl truly understands it, then she won't do either.

Now you may be asking why I'm saying this, or if you know why, you're probably thinking it doesn't apply to you. The thing is, a teenage boy's mind(not meaning his spirit - I mean his flesh, lower nature) is CONSTANTLY looking for something related to sex. Once we become born again, we want what God wants. And we'll begin to fight this urge.(If we don't, then we're probably not born again) From my own experience, at first it was terrible. I couldn't control myself almost at all. But then once I became born again, God stepped in and helped. Now I'm to the point where I win most of the battles - however, that doesn't mean there aren't battles, and it definitely doesn't mean the battles aren't TOUGH.

And get this - when you girls wear things that even show a tiny little bit, which you might say "Oh well it's not actually showing anything!" it just adds to the enemy's forces in the battle. True, when you show more it's more of a battle. But that doesn't mean that showing a little is ok. Look at these verses:

1 Corinthians 6:19- Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
(Valerie's add on- remember our body also belongs to our husband girls: 1 Corinthians 7:4)

Romans 14:13- Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this— not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way.

Luke 17:1- He said to His disciples, "It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him through whom they come!"

You girls have no idea how often you are stumbling blocks. I have one awesome friend(a girl, of course) who takes these verses very seriously - she does what she can to avoid being a stumbling block to guys. But there are still times where the simple fact that she's a girl, and has what girls have, where it trips me up. Now the last verse is pretty clear - it's Jesus saying, "Too bad for you if you take part in causing somebody to mess up!" He isn't being specific about this, but He is saying that in ANY way you cause somebody to trip, it's not good.

Now you might be wondering what I (being a guy) think is "showing too much". Here's my the winter it doesn't matter too much. I mean unless you want to freeze, you're gonna dress appropriately. Summer is so much different though. There's a saying in Pennsylvania: "There are two seasons, winter and road construction." I would put it this way: "There are two seasons, winter and not enough clothes."

Here's my own, personal opinions. Remember, I'm not all guys. Everyone is different, so don't think ALL guys are gonna believe these same things. Tank tops, your favorite thing to wear in summer, show too much.(At least most, I guess there are some with a higher neckline) Shorts should shouldn't go up past your knee very much. A pretty easy way to remember it: if it gives a chance to see your bra/underwear then it's too much. Also for swimsuits, please explain to me how a bikini is not the same thing as being in public wearing your bra and panties? I know what some girls that actually care do is wear a swimsuit, but then also wear a shirt and shorts. Please do so :)

OK now I know it might seem drastic, especially in summer when it's so hot. But you know how it was in Bible times? Women were only allowed to show 3 things - their feet, their hands, and their heads. And in some societies, not even their heads! Now yes, that was pretty extreme. But wouldn't you say that now we're on the other side of the extreme? Modesty anymore is not walking around in public wearing only your underwear(although with the way it's going, soon it will be ok to do that) Women's clothes should be based on one main thing. How much it can cause a man to stumble. In the old days they took it too seriously, today we don't take it seriously at all.

Too long didn't read version:

Please girls, don't show anything off.




  1. BTW- I just checked this on iFuse.... it's been viewed 83 times (counting the like 5? times I've checked it). Cool right!?

  2. BTW- I just checked this post on iFuse.. . it's been veiwed 83 times!! Counting the like 5 times I've checked it. lol. How cool!?
